FOS looks at the qualifications specified in these two sections of the FARs to determine if a pilot meets currency requirements.
There are several points of setup that are required to insure a pilot meets the qualifications. The first is the “Recent Experience” tab in the Regulation. On this page the “In Type Rating” and either the “FAR Part 61.57” or “FAR Part 135.247” box must be checked, depending on whether or not the regulation is 91 or 135. This forces the criteria for anyone assigned to this regulation to look at whether the exceptions are met and if not, to default back to the 3 night takeoff and landings in 90 days. This is why the parameters must be specified in the fields for Takeoffs, Landings, and days.
The next item that the FARs specify is that the aircraft must be a turbine powered aircraft that is type rated for more than one crewmember. This is handled by specifying whether or not the aircraft requires an SIC. This is done in the aircraft type setup.
The next entries determine if the pilot is qualified to be excepted under one of those sections. The crewmember must hold at least a Commercial certificate, have 1500 total time as a pilot and have a 142 training date within the last 12 months in which six night takeoffs and landings were accomplished, as well as accomplish three night takeoffs and landings in the six months preceding the month of the flight, or maintain 15 hours in the past 90 days under any aircraft to which the exception will apply. Once again, the exception is only for those turbine powered aircraft that are type certificated for more than one pilot.
With these requirements met, currency should display as in the following example. See
here on how you would read this section.
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