This section displays all the rates for the aircraft, aircraft type and aircraft company. It is imperative to set the aircraft’s company properly at the start. If you change the company, you are required to recreate the rates for the aircraft in this section. Rates may also be set for a specific tail number.
You may opt to display the rates for all aircraft of the same type (Show All Rates for same AC Support Type) so that you may refer to or copy the rates. You may opt to display past rates (Show Past Rates) for reference.
Fields within the record
The top section of the rate contains information on the aircraft type, effective date, whether it is a past rate. If it is for all aircraft for the same type and company or a specific aircraft, and the interval type.
Rate Type section
This section allows you to define a rate type plus several options for the rate.
- Owner/OP Cost – Sets the rate type to “Cost” and uses this rate as the standard “Buy” calculation for the quote.
- No Tax – Sets the tax rate in the quote to zero.
- Actual Times and Fuel burn – Uses fuel burn and actual times to calculate the cost
- Flight Log Expenses – If checked, this will calculate flight log expense marked “Billable” when this rate is used for a trip or leg; checking the “Quote” box will calculate all expenses in the quote when invoiced regardless of whether the billable box is checked or not.
- Plus Fuel – Calculates a fuel surcharge in the quote when this rate is used. Checking the “Dep AP” box will use the fuel cost at the departure airport rather than the arrival to calculate the cost if the “Do not Use Airport Fuel Cost” is not checked in the aircraft costs. Exclude
- Additional Cost – This rate will not use any of the additional costs in the quote.
- No Markup in Additional Costs - This will ensure a markup is not applied to additional costs.
- GCD - When using a rate based on distance this option will force the quote to use great circle distance even if the scheduled distance is different than what was originally quoted.
- Dep Ap - Uses the departure airport rather than the arrival to calculate the fuel cost when utilizing the "Plus Fuel" option.

Aircraft Cost section
- Leg Interval - The interval type allows the user to change how the rate calculates. The rate may calculated by revenue and positioning leg, a tier system for the leg, and a tier system for the trip.
- Revenue Leg & Position Leg - The first and most popular system is by revenue and positioning leg. For both lines you need only enter an amount in the “Rate 2” fields. If you charge an interval for the first part of the leg that may be greater, you may enter that dollar amount in the “Rate 1” fields and adding the interval for the rate.
- Short Leg - A “Short Leg” fee may also be set. Enter the additional “Fixed Cost”, then the normal hourly rate and the interval for which the fee should be charged. When using time units, the “Leg Interval” will be specified in minutes.
*Please note: Do not mix time units and distance units within the rate. They will not calculate properly."
- Fare Lookup in City Pair – If a City Pair table is established for two airports the fare may be derived from that table.
- No Discount on Fare – If a fare is used, any discounts entered into the quote will not apply to that fare.
- Billable Only – This option requires the leg to be marked “Billable” for the rate to calculate for that leg. This option will not apply to the “Owner Buy” rate.
- No Positioning Short Legs – If the positioning leg meets the short leg interval, the short leg fee will not apply.
- No Discount on Positioning – Any discount in the quote will not apply to the positioning legs.
- No Discount on Short Leg Fixed Cost – Any discount in the quote does not apply to the “Fixed Cost” of the short leg.
- Tach and Hobbs – Uses the times in either of those fields to calculate the rate for invoicing.
Description of Units (available for quoting/invoicing):
- EBT – Estimated block time. When invoiced, this uses the estimated block time from the quoted or scheduled itinerary, depending on which radio button is selected in the quote.
- EFT – Estimated flight time. When invoiced, this uses the estimated flight time from the quoted or scheduled itinerary, depending on which radio button is selected in the quote.
- ABT– Actual block time. When invoiced, this will use the actual block time entered in the flight log for the trip unless the radio button in the quote is selected to “quoted itinerary”. In this case, it will continue to use the estimated block time from the quoted itinerary.
- AFT – Actual flight time. When invoiced, this will use the actual flight time entered in the flight log for the trip unless the radio button in the quote is selected to “quoted itinerary”. In this case, it will continue to use the estimated flight time from the quoted itinerary.
- SM, NM, and KM – Statute miles, nautical miles, and kilometers. This will use the calculated distance in the leg unless an actual distance is entered in the flight log.
- Leg – This is a flat charge per leg.
- N/A – Not applicable. This means the charge for that type of leg whether a short leg, positioning leg, or revenue leg will not have a cost associated with it.
- Fare– This will associate a specific fare on the leg. The fare can also be looked up in the city pair table if the “Fare lookup in City Pair” box is checked.
- ACLog – This will use the flight log times for the aircraft which may be rounded to a whole tenth. Using this option allows the logged time on the aircraft to be equal with what is billed.

Adjustments section
These figures will be added into the calculation of the total dollar amounts. Remember when using the Dist/Time calculation that it will correspond to the units used in the rate. Units may not be mixed within the same rate. These will be applied even if actual times are used to invoice. (IE: If there is an add-on of 12 minutes per leg and the rate is set to use AFT, the invoice will charge the actual flight time plus the 12 minutes.)
Minimums - may either be set to the Dist/Time unit of the rate or to a specific dollar figure. Addons - are the same except you may also use a percentage calculation.
Day Costs Averaged section
This section allows you to average the daily minimum beneficial to how you operate.
- Per Day – Looks at each day in the quote and determines if the aircraft has flown the minimum if the flight time is averaged out over the number of days in the quote.
- Per Flight Day Average – Looks at each day in the quote the aircraft is flying and determines if the aircraft has flown the minimum if the flight time is averaged out over the number of flight days in the quote.
- Per Day Away Ac Home Ap – Determines the daily average for the minimum based on the number of days the aircraft is away from its home airport in the quote.
- Per Each Flight Day – Charges the minimum based on the minimum being met on each day rather than an average.
- Minimum Rate Percent – When a value is entered in this field, the minimums that are calculated will be charged at the percentage of the value set. E.g. If the minimum calculated for this trip equaled $1000.00 and the value set in this field is 90%, the actual minimum charged on the quote would be $900.00.
- No Discount on Minimums – If a discount is set in the quote, the discount will not apply to the calculation of the minimums.
- No Discount on Day & Trip Addons – Discounts will not apply to the addons.

Currency and Owner Rate
Currency – Sets a monetary currency for the rate.
Owner Rate – Sets a percentage at which the owner rate will calculate.
a) To set the rate code for the owner rate, edit the rate type code and set a code in the “Owner Rate” field:
b) Then create an “Owner Rate” with the same rate type and put a percentage in the “Owner Rate” field.
c) When the aircraft rate is selected in the quote, the “Owner Rate” is set and the percentage will then calculate in the quote as the “Buy” rate.
Standby section
This section allows you to enter a cost per hour while the aircraft is on the ground for a short period of time. This section is normally used for smaller aircraft or Rotorcraft and will calculate until the RON comes into effect.
- Standby Cost Per Hour - Enter the cost per hour for the standby time.
- N/C for X Hours X Per X - These two fields allow you to enter wait time that will not be charged to the client. You may define it as not charging for the first hour or several hours per Stop, Day, or Trip. You may also define a ratio of flight hours to standby hours and not charge for that ratio. The setting may also be made to not charge for a minimum or maximum number of flight hours per day or trip.
- Grace Period Per Stop – This applies a grace period to the standby time.
- Wait Time Cap Per Day – This allows you to set a maximum number of hours per day to charge for standby time. You also have the option to the right of this field to not allow the quote discount to not apply to the standby time.
- Standby-Waived Flight Hours – This option allows you to waive the standby charge if the quote has a certain number of flight hours.
- Layover Day – Use this to calculate layover days for the quote. It will apply this rate to any non-flying day on the quote.
- RON – Sets a rate for any RONs calculated.
*Please note – It is not recommended to set Layover Day and RON as part of the rate. It is recommended however to set them up as an additional cost.
User discretion should be used if these costs are set as part of the rate. *
Using the 10 Tier interval
- Check any box that applies. The plus fuel will use the fuel surcharge amount set in the ‘Quote Fuel Cost for Aircraft Rates’ box on the Costs tab under Aircraft Data. If this option is not selected, use an additional cost item.
- Adjustment boxes – These may be used to add a minimum value to the rate or to add on a certain value or amount per leg, per trip, or per day.
- Set the leg intervals and the cost for each one. Intervals must all be the same type. You may not mix distance and time. Units are set in the ‘Units’ drop down menu. Rates and leg intervals must be set in the rate lines and/or have a base rate. The tier rates can have minimums set if necessary.
- No Discount on Base / Tier - You may also opt to have the Base Rate or the Tier Rates not discounted (select applicable boxes). This can be of use if you apply a discount to the quote, but do not want either the base or tier set discounted.
- Fare Lookup in City Pair – If a City Pair table is established for two airports, the fare may be derived from that table.
- No Discount on Fare – If a fare is used, any discounts entered into the quote will not apply to that fare.