Permissions may be set for a user that requires specific access based on the “Company,” “Base,” and “Vendor” field set in various menus of the FOS program.

When set in a specific field the Company, Base or Vendor may be included or excluded from the users’ access based upon the selection of the radio button below each section. If a section is left blank, the user has access to all items regardless of company, base, or vendor. The left side of the screen sets access to specific Aircraft, Personnel, Report, and Training in those lists and the right side sets access to Trips and Quotes.
Note: It is imperative to maintain accuracy with the Company and Base codes within other menus of FOS.
Grants access to all charter aircraft- will give the user access to the aircraft that have the “Charter” box checked in the aircraft data regardless of what is set in the Company, Base or Vendor Access.
Exclude Blank Company, Base- If the company, base or vendor field remains blank, this option allows access only to items with a matching code. If not selected, the user could have access to aircraft, crew, etc., in which one of the fields had been left blank. The option may be applied to the reports menu separately.
Apply Access as Company or Base - Normally, access is applied if the company and base matches. This option allows access if either code matches.
Do Not Apply Trip Access- Allows the user to access a trip if the user has access to the aircraft’s company, base or vendor, regardless of what is set in the Trip/Quote access.
Do Not Apply Aircraft Access- Aircraft access to trips or quotes not applicable. Access is only granted under the Trip/Quote access section. If a user must view the trip, they would need to view the trip from the trip list rather than the schedule.
Allows a user the ability to view (only) trips for which they do not have normal access to, or they have been restricted in their trip or quote access by Company or Base.
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