Adding an Additional Cost Item

Adding an Additional Cost Item

When setting up cost for different items the process will be the same, here is an example for an RON or “Remain Over-Night”

You need to make sure you have defined what your overnights are in Company Data on the Times tab. 

For the cost itself- 
From the Additional Costs Window, Select the + from the Right, Additional Cost Item Side (not the Additional Cost Groups Side). Make sure you are adding the Additional Cost Item in the proper Group that is highlighted on the Left Side. In this example, I am adding int the ARINCDirect Flight Services Costs Group.  
Next, the appropriate Cost Type from the drop-down list, or add your own. RON will already be set up in your database. *For specific Instructions on how to add the Cost Type Codes, see that Article in this Section.
If you would like the Status to be set to charge whenever it applies to the other filters/settings, set it to YES. 
For Costs you don’t want to quote for every trip, but would like to be reminded to add it, for instance if you only use Flight Attendants sometimes, you can set the status to Maybe. Prior to saving the quote, FOS will give you a pop up reminder that you have a cost set to Maybe. 
The FM Quote ID is the Code brought into the Item when you have used the Flight Manager International Trip Support Trip Quote. 
The Quantity can be manually entered, or will be automated depending on the Units. In the case of RON’s, it is greyed out as FOS will calculate them based on what you have defined as an overnight in Company Data. 
The Actual Unit Cost and Unit Costs are also “greyed out” as we are looking at the Aircraft for the pricing. You may want to define the Cost per Aircraft; in this case you see the Lookup Unit Cost in Aircraft Cost box is checked. 
In order to define these costs, you will need to open the Aircraft Data Profile/Costs Tab. This will allow you to pull the cost based on an individual Aircraft of Aircraft Type.
The Cost Description, and Account Number are pulled in from the Cost Type Default, but you can add these free text as well as the notes and Cost Center. 
The Multiplier in this example is set to None. However you could add a Crew Multiplier, and have FOS Calculate a higher rate based on additional crewmembers that have been added in the quote. Remember the Unit Cost would then have to be set up per crewmember. Lookup Unit Cost is described above. 
Not Billable (Invoice Flight Log Expense) Allows you to quote the Amounts in the Additional Cost, but to Invoice using the actual Flight Log Expense. The Flight Log Expense code needs have the Cost Type Code selected in its setup in order for this to work properly. The Bottom half of the Additional Costs Window has options depending on the Cost Types and Units Selected. In This Case, we are only choosing the Domestic box for Domestic RON’s. 
Another example might be an International RON. 
In order to create an International RON that pulls the cost from the Aircraft, you will have to Create an Aircraft User Defined Cost. *For specific Instructions on how to Create Aircraft User Defined Costs, see that Article in this Section. 
The setup is very similar to the domestic version of the Cost. See below for the differences: 

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