The Places Module allows users to create a designation and/or an airport/strip for certain locations that are in an area that they frequently visit.
To add a new place select the red "+" symbol will open a new record screen.
When a new place is created the fields below are required:
- Name
- Latitude
- Longitude
The fields below can be used to sort or filter the list:
- City
- Country
- Name
- Sound
- State/Country
- Type
Once you've created the place you can view on the map by selecting the Open Map button in the row of option at the bottom of the screen. If this place is a dirt strip or an airport without any information, you can select the Create Airport, based on the lat and long so it can be add to the itinerary of any trip.
Selecting the Create Airport button and an airport record will be created from the record. Once the Airport Record has been created additional information can be populated in the Airport Record as needed. The required fields for creating an airport can be found in the article titled Required Fields to Create an Airport.