Adding Additional Cost Type Codes

Adding Additional Cost Type Codes

If the desired Cost Type does not display in the drop down options, you will need to first create a new one.  

You can do this by selecting the Cost Type Button, and this will bring up the Codes List. *When adding new Codes, it is important to see any inactive Codes as to not duplicate, so check the Inactive Codes Box prior to adding anything new. 

Once you have confirmed the code has not been previously added, you can select the + at the top and create the new code. FOS will create a new Internal Value for you, using the next chronological number available after 100. 
Keep in mind the Special Internal Values for some Codes may already be set up, but pay close attention to the Internal Value Numbers as they are hard coded into the system for calculating, weighing, comparing different actions and options. FOS will not allow you to re use a code. You will get an error. Please remember DO NOT DELETE CODES.

The Code allows for 4 digits maximum 
Add a Short Description of the Cost 
The account number and name can be used for your Accounting Department, or for exporting Accounting information into a 3rd party Accounting Software. 
If you select the Invoice From Flight Log Expense Checkbox, it will allow you to use the amount of the cost that was submitted with the Flight Log. 
The Flight Log Expense Drop down ties the Additional Cost to the Expense Code in order to update the Invoice with the item which was expensed. 
The Taxable Checkbox allows for the default of this Cost to be taxable. 
The Owner box tells FOS how you would like this cost to be treated should this be set up in an "Owner," or "Buy" cost setup.
The Bottom of the page displays all of the Special Internal Values. As mentioned above, the Special Internal Values are for hard coded functions and options. The Aircraft User Defined Costs allows you to define up to 10 Cost Codes for the Aircraft Profiles.  

Lets set one up for an International RON, or Remain Over Night.  
With the Inactive Box checked, lets confirm there isn't a Code already set up for this Cost. If not, we are going to select the + to add a new Code. Since the Internal Value of 50 is in this range of codes available, we are going to use 50 for this cost code.

Now we need to set this cost up in the Aircraft Profile/Costs Tab. Select the Current Aircraft Cost, Right Click, and Copy. This will allow you to create a New Cost, with a new *Effective Date. You will immediately see the User Defined Costs lists displaying the newly created Cost Code Description. Just add the appropriate rate for the RON, and you have completed the Code setup.  
*It is important to use effective dates instead of just changing the costs and rates if you want to keep correct historical records. 

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