Aircraft Module Menu Options

Aircraft Module Menu Options


The options highlighted below are user specific and do not affect other users.

Search and look up fields 

The highlighted options below filter the aircraft list. Display results are based on the selected boxes marked in the aircraft data. 

Multiple Selection box 

To select several aircraft to display on a report, select this option: 

Select the "Report" option on top menu bar, and then “Aircraft Reports – Selected "AC” to complete: 


Aircraft in the Vicinity of Selected Aircraft - This function uses the home airport of the aircraft to display the distance the other aircraft are located from the selected aircraft.
Aircraft in the Vicinity of Airport - This function displays the airport list so that you may select an airport to display the distance each aircraft is based at from the selected aircraft. 


These options allow you to perform the following functions:

Base Required Fields - allows the user to set the required fields that must be entered into each aircraft record before it can be saved 
Change Aircraft ID – change aircraft ID based on permissions 
Copy Maintenance Items – copy items from one aircraft to another 
Recalc ALL A/C Logs – recalculate aircraft logs for all aircraft 
Hide Search Panel – user may hide the search panel 


*Please note– Users must have appropriate permissions to perform the following and the aircraft ID may ONLY be changed by using the “Change Aircraft ID” option under the “Options” drop down selection (shown below): 

*Do not attempt to change the aircraft ID unless using this function. If the aircraft ID is changed outside this window, all records will be disassociated with this aircraft. 

a) The current aircraft ID will populate in the “Current AC ID” field and the desired ID should be entered in the “New AC ID” field:

b) Select the Change ID button to complete the process. 


Follow the steps below to copy maintenance items from one aircraft to another:

1) Select the Copy Maintenance Items option from the Options drop down selection list.

2) Enter the aircraft you would like to copy data FROM into the “Current AC ID” field. If you are on an aircraft record, the field will already be populated.

3) Enter the aircraft you would like the data to be copied TO in the “New AC ID” field.

4) Select the Copy Maintenance button to complete the process.

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