Main Aircraft Header:
Tail Number– Tail number assigned to the aircraft.
Aircraft ID–This is a maximum four character code unique to the particular aircraft. This aircraft ID internally associates all records (trips, quotes, etc.) with this particular tail number.
Click Here to Change the Aircraft ID- *Please note- the only time the ID may be changed is by using the “Click Here to Change the Aircraft ID” option at the top of the header. Do not change the ID otherwise.
Aircraft Type ID– This associates the tail number with a specific type of aircraft from which the performance data is used when calculating leg data, any aircraft weight associated functions, etc. Select the Lookup button to select from a list of aircraft types.
Aircraft Status – Manually select from the drop down list to set status. Status can be selected to show that the aircraft is currently in maintenance, has open MEL items, is operationally restricted, or is in service.
When using the CAMP maintenance interface, the "Aircraft Status" may be imported from CAMP as to whether it is green, yellow or red, based on the flying condition of the aircraft.
Release/ETR– the release date and time or estimated time of release may be set manually by the user. The information and the status may also be displayed in the aircraft cell on the schedule board by the user.
AC Log Time – select Home Base or UTC/GMT to determine how aircraft log will display