Airport Module Overview

Airport Module Overview

Accessing the Airports Module
To access under the Aircraft Module select the Operations Tab and then the Airports button:

The FOS Airport Database is a rather large database and is updated quarterly with data provided from a third-party. Updating the airport information is not automatic nor is received from performing a FOS Update. To perform an airport update, all users must be out of FOS. To check the date of the last update from within any airport on the comment tab as will be explained later in this guide.

You can perform searches of the database by using the fields as shown below. 
By using these fields, the data you are requesting will usually be in the middle of the screen and the record is indicated by an arrow. 

The Sort will allow you to sort by different fields.

Users many also click the header of the columns in the airport list to sort. The column information will change to BLUE font to indicate it was sorted. 

The Lookup is a faster way to “perform” a look up or search in the airport module.

Example, if you did a look up by the area ID, FOS will list all airports with the area ID that contains those letters.

The Filter function will allow you to search for airports that have certain filters.

The example below is filtered to Customs. This will display only airports in which Customs is available.

Users may narrow the search even more by applying additional filters. 

The Vicinity Search may be used to look up an airport in the vicinity of an airport that is selected or filtered. It can also be used to find other airports located near
or around another airport, place, aircraft or vendors. To use, choose an airport record. Click on vicinity search at the top of the airport module and there are several options:

FOS will then return all the airports in the vicinity of the chosen airport.

Green airports indicate the airports that meet your runway minimums, etc.
Yellow could be a possibility
Red does not meet any of your airport minimums and is not the best choice.

Users may also use the “Filters” in the Airport Module for filtering in/out specific information. Click on filter and narrow the data down by using the various filters available. Below is an example using the runway filter of airports with 5000 foot minimum.

Similarly, you can run a vicinity search by Place if you know the town/park/etc. nearest your destination.

Right clicking on the Place and selecting 'Airports in Vicinity of Selected Place...' will then allow you to pull up the airports closest to that location (distance in NM as a plane would fly).

To clear the vicinity search, just back out the field you were searching with.

The functions under the Option Menu are for changing or applying an import:

Having to modify a DST 

Modify a time zone

Air Chef Update - You will need a csv file from Air Chef to update the database. Once the csv file is saved to the FOS.exe directory click yes. The convert utility will run and you will see DONE in green.

The fields below at the top of the Airport list can be used for searching as well.

The Flights selection at the top right is another feature. When a certain airport is selected, users may see either all flights that departed or arrived in your fleet from the specific airport. The results will display the aircraft, departure date, to and from airport. Double-clicking on the airport will open that specific airport record. By double-clicking on a legs within the results, FOS will open the trip associated with that leg.

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