will default to the current date. The sunrise and sunset times will change with the date chosen.
Area ID – can be used to mark all airports in area of homebase as such so a “reposition” for crew or aircraft is not necessary when utilizing an airport in the homebase vicinity. Be sure that the Area ID value is exactly the same for all airports that are to be considered “home” and the AWAY will not be displayed on the operations board.
*NOTE: if this option is used for operations that have multiple home base airports both crewmember and aircraft will be assumed to be at home even if the airports are on opposite sides of the globe. However, FOS will still generate a warning message saying that the crew is departing from a different airport than arrived.
APIS ID – This field can be populated with an alternate airport to be used when filing APIS and
the departure or arrival airport does not have customs. For example if your are departing from
KSUS you can populate this field with KSTL.
IFR/ILS – checked if airport has these types of approaches
Customs – checked if airport has customs available
CBP Approved – checked if airport is considered CBP approved. *NOTE: the CBP Approved check box can only be checked or unchecked by the CBP Approved Airports or Airport updates. When APIS is filed (either 135 or 91) and airport is not CBP approved, the following error will be received. The error is received because the airport set for departure is NOT an approved CBP airport. So to rectify the error, open the airport to complete the boxes below. Be sure to fill in the closest approved CBP airport. If not sure if this airport is CBP approved, be sure to call airport and verify. The CBP ID field cannot be modified. This field is only used
for 91 APIS filings. If necessary, insert a AP ID into the APIS ID for using a different CBP approved airport The APIS ID field is only used for 135 APIS filings.
Color - Setting the "Color" field for a specific airport will not change the color display for an airport within FOS itself. However, can be used to color-code airports to then display in special custom reports.
Part 139 Certified Class – if applicable, check the Part 139 Certified Class checkbox and enter in the appropriate class
Airport EASA Ops Category – The main setting to receive warnings is located on the Operations Tab, in the Company Data Module. When checked, it will alert the user regarding the EASA OPS Category. set in the company data, be sure to set category. If checked there is a setting in the company module (operations tab) check for a legality check and set a popup warning.
RFF/Fire Category – If an RFF/Fire Category is entered in the AC Type data FOS will reference the RFF/Category listed in the airport data. If a RFF/Fire Category does not exist or is lower than the category set in the aircraft type record users will receive the above warning when adding the airport to a trip. If the aircraft type is set to the same category or lower than that set in the airport record the warning will not appear when adding the airport to a trip.
Approach Category – Informational setting for the type of approach category.

(Below – “Screen shot of the message users will see when they are submitting APIS to an airport that does not have the CBP Approved box checked.):
Special Training - Special training is required to operate in/out of this airport and will put a “+” next to the airport ID on the operations board (must be manually marked)
Rural – If the airport is considered to be a rural airport, this option may be selected by users manually.
225 Zone – Notes airports that are within 225 miles of the US border that apply to IRS tax rules.
Closed – If an airport is no longer in operation, users may select this option to hide the airport from the airport list without deleting it.
Telex/Email – This field is available to add the Telex/E-Mail address of the airport
Web Page – This field is available to display the website for the airport. If added, the webpage will load on the Interface Tab, Web Radio option of the Airport record.
Facility - This field is to note the type of airport - EX: Airport, Heliport, etc.
Access – This field will note the accessibility of the facility - EX: PUBL (Public), PRIV (Private), MILT (Miltary), etc.
Region and Area - These fields can be manually set for the Region and Area of the airport.
Last Flt Date & Aircraft - These fields will display the last arrival date to this airport by your fleet in FOS and display the aircraft ID.