Airport Tab

Airport Tab

The “Airport” Tab contains options specific to using airports in the Operations module. 

Airport ID

ID - This option will default airport identifiers to appear as the airport ID, specified in the airport record, on the schedule board. 
Airport ID field within an airport record:

ICAO - This will default the schedule board to display the ICAO code for all airports. IATA - This will default the schedule board to display the IATA code for all airports. Use ID for US Airports - This option allows users to display the three character airport ID for U.S. airports while displaying the ICAO code for international airports on the schedule board. US AP Area ID for AC Home Base - Another option is to use the area ID as the home base for the aircraft. This can be done by setting the same code in several different airports in the same area. For example, you may take several airports in the Dallas area such as Love Field, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Addison, etc. and set the code DAL in the area ID field in each of those airports. When the aircraft lands at any one of these airports, it will be considered to be at its home base for scheduling purposes. 
Home Airport - This option allows the user to select a home airport specific to the company record. 

Itinerary Airport Warnings 

None - This will turn off Airport warnings. 
Legality Ck - This will only show airport warnings when the legality check is performed on the trip. 
Itin Calc
- This will only show airport warnings when an itinerary is created within a trip. Both - This will show airport warnings when the itinerary is added to a trip and when the legality check is performed. 

Itinerary FBO Warnings

None - This will turn off warnings when FBO's between legs do not match. 
Legality Ck - This will only show FBO warnings when the legality check is performed on the trip. 
Itin Calc
- This will only show FBO warnings when an itinerary is created within a trip. Both - This will show FBO warnings when the itinerary is added to a trip and when the legality check is performed. 

Crew Airport Warnings

Yes - Users will receive warnings for the crew if the crew departs from an airport different from the previous arrival airport. 
No - No warning will be received. 
Aircraft Endurance Warning - Warnings for the aircraft endurance based upon the flight time calculation and endurance set in the aircraft type. 
Border Overflight Exemption
- Turns on the warning for arrival into the U.S. from airports that have not been marked as being exempt for border overflights. There are also corresponding fields for border overflight exemption in the aircraft, crew, and city pair records. Set Departure FBO to Arrival FBO - Users may opt to have the Departure FBO selected automatically according to the previous arrival leg’s selected FBO. Once chosen, this option may not be changed on a leg by leg basis. 

Leg Services 

Leg Services - This section allows the user to define two leg services within the services tab of a leg for their own specific use. 
Arrival - This option will make the custom service field an arrival service. 
FBO - This option will make the custom service field a FBO. 
Fueler- This option will make the custom service field a Fueler. 

Sample custom services within a leg: 

Needed Services

Needed Services - This section allows the user to decide which services in the leg are selected automatically as required/“needed”)\.
Services automatically marked as needed within a leg: 


Create Checklist Items for Needed Services - Any services defaulted to the "Needed" status will have checklist items created within the trip. 
Release Requires Flight Restrictive Checklist Items to be Completed - Users will not be able to select the "Release" check box within a trip if any flight restrictive checklist items are left incomplete. 
Checklist Item Color Based on Status- This option shows checklist items by color. Checklist items in green have been marked confirmed or in position, items in orange have been marked requested, in progress, or change requested, items in red have been marked needed or need to cancel, and items in black have a blank status, marked as N/A, or marked as canceled. 

Note: These colors are hard coded into the program and may not be changed. Sample "Items Due" list:

Auto Reset - This turns on the function that allows checklist items to automatically reset their status to "Needed" when certain items within a trip change. 
Cklist Default - The user can specify defaults that will apply to all leg service checklist items that have been chosen to be created automatically. 

FBO Auto Select

FBO Auto Select (Always) – The system searches to see if the requester has a preferred FBO. If not, the system will default to the one marked preferred in the airport. If neither of these conditions are met the system will select an FBO at random. 
FBO Auto Select (Ap Preferred) – The system searches the requester record for a preferred FBO. If a preferred FBO does not exist in the requester record, the FBO marked as preferred in the airport record is selected. If no preferred FBO exists in either record no FBO is selected in the leg. 
FBO Auto Select (Req Preferred) – The system searches the requester record to see if there is a preferred FBO. If a preferred FBO is not listed in the requester record, no FBO is selected in the leg. 
FBO Auto Select (Never) – An FBO will never be automatically selected on the leg.

Update Fuel Cost - This section allows the user to automatically update the fuel cost field in airport record and/or the FBO record depending upon which option is selected. 
“Create Leg FBO Comment for Fuel Vendor” Section 

Create Leg FBO Comment for Fuel Vendor - This section allows the user to have the pricing details for the fuel vendor selected on each leg to display in the FBO/Fueler comment section. 

Airport Minimums - This section allows the user to set minimums for weather warnings to display on the schedule board. When weather is being imported and one or more of the minimums are violated v, c, w, or t will display in parentheses next to the leg on the schedule. 
V – Visibility 
C – Ceiling 
W – Winds 
T - Temperature 

Ops Custom Labels - This section allows the user to change the Field Names in the Ops Tab of an Airport record. 
Sample custom label on the Ops Tab of an airport record: 

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