Important note: Please make sure all users are out of FOS when using the Purge/Archive function.
Another important note: To prevent any accidental issues, please make a backup copy of the BTR files in your FOS Data folder before using the archive/purge function.
1. In the FOS Data folder (on your server), ensure there is a folder called "archive". If there is not an archive folder, you will need to create one.
Directions here.2. Off the FOS log-in window, select "Utilities"-->"File Locations"-->"Archive Directory".
In the window that opens enter the file path to the archive folder.
3. After doing this, select the "Archive" toggle button under the "Data Directory" section on the FOS log-in screen.
4. Select "Utilities">"Create Files">"All". This will create blank BTR files in the Archive folder.
5. Change the Data directory toggle back to “Network”. Log into FOS.
6. On the FOS main menu, select "Utilities">"Purge" and select which item you wish to archive.
7. In this example, Personnel records will be purged from FOS. In some options, there is a date range that can be filled out. By checking the Archive checkbox at the bottom, it changes the Purge button to an Archive button.
8. Select the Archive button and this will add the information to the appropriate blank BTR file in the Archive folder.
9. After the archive is complete, to shrink the empty Pervasive records (which will decrease the size of the FOS Database), open the Convert Utility. Select the "Utilities" tab and run the "Rebuild All Tables" button at the bottom. Please note - this can take some time.