ARINCDirect & FOS Interfaces

ARINCDirect & FOS Interfaces

Company Data
  1. ARINCDirect Data Sync Account - It is suggested that the username and password for the ARINCDirect Synchronization not be an individual's credentials. The credentials should be that of an Admin, and created specifically for the company data. 
  2. Flight Planning Checkbox - This allows customers who have a Flight Planning Subscription to be able to run full flight plans and import back into FOS.
  3. Documents Checkbox - Allows for documents to be sent to ARINC. Additional setup with specific codes will be needed to ensure they are allowed for AD/FOS Mobile transmission.
  4. Flt Plan EFT Checkbox - When a flight plan is filed, this will update the FOS EFT to match what the flight plan shows.
  5. Default Flight Plan Import Options - Set this as your preferred view for importing flight plans from ARINC into FOS.

User Data 
The individual user will still be prompted to enter their ARINCDirect credentials when selecting any of the ARINCDirect modules within FOS. (Even though within company data the credentials have been entered). 

Once the user inputs their username and password, it will then be stored within the user's profile on the Interfaces/APIS tab. 

ARINCDirect Tails 
Within the aircraft data base on the description tab FOS will automatically select "Flight Planning", if the tail is an ARINCDirect tail. 
  1. None – No ARINCDirect subscription 
  2. FOS – Basic plan, allows access to Flight Tracking, Flight Risk integration and ARINCDirect Weather 
  3. Datalink – Includes the items in the Basic plan and adds Datalink Messaging 
  4. Flight Planning – All of the above plus full Flight Planning capabilities 

Within the aircraft type ID there is a section to add the ARINCDirect Default Aircraft. This will be used for those customers who hold an Enterprise subscription, so they are able to generate prelim flight plans. 

Flight Planning Module
Selecting the flight planning icon on the main menu of FOS will launch a web browser that opens to the flight planning page of the ARINCDirect website. Users are also able to generate flight plans from within a quote/trip, or leg of a trip. Note: if utilizing the prelim flight plan from the quote module it will not pull that flight plan information into the trip once quote has been schedule.

Flight Plan Within Trip 
Within the trip users have an option to run a preliminary flight plan, full flight plan, or import a flight plan. If you run a full flight plan the ARINCDirect website will be launched. You will need to fill out the necessary information for the flight plan. It will import the city pairs from FOS, as well as any alternate listed in FOS. 

When the flight plan has been ran users will see checkboxes with updated information pulled from the flight plan. 

Once the flight plan has been filed the flight plan information will populate on the "Flt Plan" tab within the trip. If a full flight plan was recalled or filed, the recall number will display at the top. 

Flight Tracking 
You are able to access Flight Tracking though the main menu on FOS. See Icon below.
Clicking on the Flight Tracking Icon will launch the ARINCDirect Flight Aware website. This feature will only track those aircraft that hold an AIRINCDirect subscription. 

Once an aircraft has been selected you will be able to flight track, and see the routing of that specific flight.

Weather Module
Users can access the Weather interface through the FOS main menu. This feature can also be accessed off the operations board by clicking the "Wx"

Clocks Module
Users can access passenger weather through the Clocks button on the FOS main menu. 
Right click on the airport/city to view the passenger weather. This format is easier for the passengers to read.

Operations Board

From the schedule board access to ARINCDirect weather by right clicking on a trip, and selecting the ARINCDirect Map and WX. This will launch the Map with the weather overlays.

Datalink Messaging
To access Datalink Messaging click on the Datalink icon on the main menu of FOS (also known as ACARS (Aircraft Communication, Addressing and Reporting System). Clicking this icon will launch the ARINCDirect Messaging website. This is a separate subscription through ARINCDirect.
Within a specific trip Datalink messages can be accessed by clicking on the "interfaces" button within the trip notebook.

Flight Risk
FlightRisk Analysis is included for those customers that hold an ARINCDirect flight planning subscription. Setup is under the Interfaces > Applications tabs of hte Company record. Contact information for requesting Flight Risk credentials contact Trent Fox with Polaris Aero (

Within the leg of a trip you are able to generate a Flight Risk analysis. Simply click on the Flight Risk button at the bottom of the leg not book, the Flight Risk's website will launch with the leg information already populated from FOS. Click on the "run" button.

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