FOS has the ability to receive annotated documents from the ARINCDirect iPad application within the flight log of a trip.
Whether the document was sent to the ARINCDirect application from FOS or it was an existing document in the ARINCDirect application it can be sent back to FOS.
1. In the Report Setup for the report, ensure the “Export to iPad” option is selected. Another option for the report to append as a document for the trip is to check the “Create Document” box and enter the “File Name” fields.
2. Run the report on the desired trip. It should appear on the “Documents” tab within the trip.
3. Compute and file a flight plan for the leg through the ARINCDirect Flight Planning page.
4. Now the document will need to be pushed to ARINCDirect either in FOS or the ARINC FOS application. In the ARINC FOS app select the leg, then select "Leg Documents", and open the desired document.
- Users may also send the document to ARINCDirect by selecting "Send to ARINCDirect" within the trip document.
5. Once the document has been opened in the ARINCDirect app, select the "Annotate" icon.
6. After annotating the document, select the “Archive” icon. In the pop-up prompt, select “Archive”.
7. Open the flight log for the leg within FOS. Select the “Documents” tab. If the Interface Manager has not pulled in the annotated document (internal code setting for the documents refresh is every 4 hours), select the “Refresh ARINC Docs” button.
8. Open the document in the flight log. Select the “Doc File Name” button to open the file.