Within each trip there is the ability to communicate with various parties. This section can be found in the 'Audit Trail & Msg' tab within a trip.
Users can simply type in a message, select the desired recipients on the left, and then click 'Send'.
Your recipient options are the following:
Authorizer - The authorizer selected for this particular trip.
Crew - Any crew assigned to this trip as long as their email address is populated in their Personnel Record.
Maintenance - Any user setup to receive maintenance emails from within the User settings > Alerts tab and an active email address in the User settings > User tab.
Ac Owner - The aircraft owner for this particular trip.
Passengers - Any passengers assigned to this trip.
Planner - The planner selected for this particular trip.
FOS - FOS Technical Support Team
Datalink - Datalink message to the aircraft if account enabled with ARINC and FOS is setup with proper company credentials.
Dispatch - Any user setup to receive dispatch emails form within the User settings > Alerts tab and an active email address in the User settings > User tab.
Here is an example of the email message sent/received:
One advantage of sending messages like this is an audit trail is generated for this message and can be referenced later as needed.