The section was originally created to allow information on squawks, MEL’s, part replacement, etc. The data is entered and then reported to the FAA for operator bound by the requirements of the Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System. This may also be by any operator to track part life, MELs, squawks, service bulletins, and create work orders. 

Items may be submitted from FOS Mobile to this section which generates an e-mail alert to the maintenance technician for the aircraft. 

To Enter a new CASS Item manually select the '+' button to create a new item. Below each Tab is defined in detail. 


The list may be filtered by type, MEL category or ATA Chapter. You may also see resolved items by checking the “Show Resolved” box. 

Notes & Signoff Tab:
Enter item information as necessary. Various features within this section include setting the MEL category and Deferral Date (calculates the Due Date of the item). The flight restriction reason may

be entered which will in turn display on the schedule board. Clicking the signoff button will lock that section for the user and will apply a date and time stamp. 

Parts Tab: 

This section contains information on parts. Sub-items may be created by clicking on the “+” so that each sub-item may have the necessary information as well as linked to the parent item.

Times Tab:

This section contains fields to record time information for the performance of the maintenance. There is a location for comments as well.

Image Tab:

This section contains a location for image files. The image may be added within FOS or may be uploaded from FOS Mobile.

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