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Interfaces Tab - Transportation / Catering
This Tab will allow you to enter vendor credentials for various transportation and catering interfaces that can be found in the Trip Interfaces Tab of FOS. (Main view of the Interfaces Tab - Transportation / Catering)
Comment Tab
The Comment tab within an airport record can be utilized to enter any additional information about an airport. This data does NOT display in the trip. However, as long as data is populated into these fields, the information will display in the mobile ...
Terms Tab
Charter operators may enter any terms and conditions information that will be included on the quote. Please note: The quote report must be set up to use this specific field. (Main view of the Terms tab)
The section was originally created to allow information on squawks, MEL’s, part replacement, etc. The data is entered and then reported to the FAA for operator bound by the requirements of the Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System. This may ...
Customs Tab
The Customs tab of an airport record provides detailed information regarding customs availability, operating hours and contact information at the airport. Customs - if available, the box will be checked. Airport of Entry - If this specific airport is ...