If you need to change an Aircraft Record's ID there are specific steps that need to be follow to make sure you successfully maintain the record's historical data.
1. Make sure all other users are out of FOS
2. Open the Aircraft Database and then the aircraft record that you would like to change.
3. At the header of the record is "(Click Here to Change the Aircraft ID)" selecting this will display a warning to make sure that all other user are out of FOS. If all users are out and you don't have any other windows open you can select "continue".
4. On the next screen you need to enter the "New AC ID" and select the radio button for the historical data that needs to follow the new ID. Then select "Change ID".
5. You will be prompted with confirmation messages once you select "ok" and "continue" the system will run through the process of reading the files and changing them. It will display the message "The AC ID has been successfully changed" when it complete.
6. At this time your users can log back into FOS and the aircraft record will reflect the new ID for users that have access to it.