Changing or Updating Engines
If an engine is changed on the aircraft you are able to track this in FOS by changing the serial number, times, and cycles in FOS by following the steps below.
1. Open the Aircraft Profile and navigate to the AC Log Tab and click the + button to add a new aircraft log record.
2. Next you will want to enter the date and if applicable time of the engine change.. Then you will want to check the Reset box for the engine that was changed. The Reset box will “unlock” the next fields where you will be be able to then update the serial number, hours, and cycles fields with the new numbers. After all of the information has been updated click OK to save the record.
3. You will then see that the log book entry has been created. Any flight logged information after the date/time you chose on the entry in step 2 will start to calculate toward this new engine.
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