Clock Options

Clock Options

To open the airport record of this clock, click on the City Name of the clock:

Right-clicking within the clock window will give you a menu for several options:

Weather - For users with an ARINCDirect Subscription a five day forecast will be displayed.
Stay On Top – This sets this particular clock to always be on the top. 
Civil Twilight –This option will change the Sunrise/Sunset time at the bottom of the clock to use Civil Twilight instead. 
UTC – This options changes the sunrise/sunset time of the clock to UTC time.
Clear Airport –This will clear the current airport selected for that clock. 
Select Airport - This will open the Airport Module with the specified record selected. 

Sunrise/Sunset versus Civil Twilight: 

Selecting the clock to display in UTC time: 

Adding Additional Clock(s):

To add an additional clock, use the cursor to expand the clock window either horizontally or vertically. Then, click in the blank clock window to select another airport. 

Expanding clock window horizontally:

Expanding clock window vertically: 

Another clock added to screen: 

*Please note - the limit for the number of clocks you may display is 24:

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