The “Collins Aerospace” Tab permits the user to set up access between FOS, Flight Manager, and ARINCDirect.
Please note: To determine the type of data that can be transferred between the two aspects of the ARINCDirect software suite, each of the options selected is dependent on the subscription level of FOS and Flight Manager.
Contact Directory - A list of telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for ARINC Ops and FOS Tech Support
ARINCDirect Flight Manager Login Information Section:
ARINCDirect Username and Password - If you are an ARINCDirect User you are able to enter your Company Credentials on this tab to turn on the ARINCDirect integration. Your Company ARINCDirect Administrator will be able to provide these credentials.
Flight Planning - This will activate the Flight Planning interface between FOS and ARINCDirect. Flight Planning subscription is required.
Documents- This will activate the Document flow between FOS and ARINCDirect website
Flt Plan EFT - This will activate the default EFT to be that of the Flight Plan within the trip leg when a flight plan is computed. Users will still see the FOS-calculated EFT below the ARINC calculated EFT within the leg and can toggle between the values. If unchecked, the ARINC calculated EFT will display below the FOS-calculated EFT.
Default Flight Plan Import - This default import setting will be used when “User Can Select on Manual Import” is not enabled. The options are: “Min Flight Time,” “Min Fuel Burn,” and “Last Computed.”
User Can Select on Manual Import- When checked, the user will be presented with an additional window when manually importing a flight plan. The additional window will allow the user to select from a list of flight plans for this leg that have been assigned recall numbers. Please Note: If only one flight plan with a recall number exists for the leg and “Import Flight Plan” is chosen, it will select this plan without the additional pop-up window. Automatic Importation of Filed Flight Plans regardless of whether a flight plan was manually imported, the filed flight plan will be imported by the Interface Manager.
Flight Manager System Account- This information allows Flight Manager to interface with FOS. This is necessary for many features to be activated within FOS. This login information is provided by Collins Aerospace by contacting us via phone or e-mail.
Flight Manager Default User Account
- This login information is provided by Collins Aerospace by contacting us via phone or e-mail.
“Flight Manager Integration” Section:
Once the Flight Manager login information is provided, you may select the following options for the data communication:
Activate Account Synchronization - This option allows to activate the sync between FOS and Flight Manager for the Flight Manager Account / Unified Sign-On Capabilities for the ARINCDirect FOS Mobile application, after the update to, users must check the box “Activate Account Synchronization” within this tab.
FOS Flight Schedule Replication to Flight Manager - This functionality has been disabled
Please note: To prevent passenger and crew duplication within Flight Manager, you will need to have the following in the passenger and crew record: DOB, Passport Number or Employee Number. Having one of the three items in the record will prevent Flight Manager from creating a new record each time a trip is created.
Exclude Restricted Trips - If selected, this will exclude trips marked as restricted from being sent to the Flight Manager interface.
“Airport Weather” Section:
Select one or more of the boxes that apply to your operation in order to import weather. The METAR and TAFs will appear when users hover over the leg of a trip in the Schedule Board.
METAR and TAFs – METARS are routine weather reports provided at fixed intervals. TAFs are “terminal aerodrome forecasts”.
Winds – Winds aloft at specific altitudes
PIREPs – Pilot Reports
Look Ahead - Allows you to limit the amount of hours for which this information is pulled for the arrival and departure airports on your schedule.