Collins Aerospace Tab

Collins Aerospace Tab

The Collins Aerospace tab allows users to update either the Flight Manager or ARINCDirect interfaces without having to select Update Now. 

Update Flight Manager - This option will update only the Flight Manager portion of the interface manager. 
Licenses - This will indicate the number of active modules / features from the integration with Flight Manager for the account. These licenses grant access to various information throughout FOS. 
Note: The number of licenses may vary depending on the FOS subscription level. If the count displays 0/0, it is important to ensure the credentials were entered properly in the Collins Aerospace tab of the Company Data Module. 

Update ARINCDirect - This option will update only the ARINCDirect portion of the interface manager. 
ARINCDirect Users - The number displayed will show the number of user records that have ARINCDirect credentials populated on the interfaces tab.
ARINCDirect Aircraft - This is the number of generic ARINCDirect Aircraft records that have been imported that allows users to run preliminary flight plans with generic performance data. 
Note: This feature is only available to FOS users with Enterprise subscriptions. 
ARINCDirect Flight Plans- If users have an ARINCDirect flight planning subscription and are filing flight plans through the ARINCDirect website, this number will indicate the number of filed flight plans that have updated trip legs in FOS. The specific flight plan information can be found on the Flt Plan tab within a leg. 

Open License Table - If the Flight Manager interface has not been updated users may select this option to open the Flight Manager License Table. 
Example License Table: 

Trip Replication from Date - This button will initialize trip replication to the FOS Schedule board. Details for trips that occur on the date entered, and any dates in the future of date entered, will be sent. 
Note: Trip Replication must be enabled on the Collins Aerospace tab within the Company Data Module. 

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