Common Btrieve Errors

Common Btrieve Errors

1 – Normally the temp directory is set to another location besides the data server. The path may be changed in the ‘Utilities’ menu at the login window. 

2 – The file is corrupted. The error message should indicate which file. The file must be sent to support for repair. This may be caused by a virus scanner. Ensure the virus scanning utility has all FOS files excluded, especially the data (*.btr) and temp (*.tmp) files. 

3 – During last update, the convert.exe may not have been completed. 

4 – The record trying to be accessed has been deleted. This normally occurs when a trip and quote are linked and one or the other has been deleted. 

5 – User is trying to duplicate a key field. This is usually an ID field. 

12 – This is normally encountered when first setting up FOS. The data and/or temp directory has not been set in the ‘Utilities’ at the login window. 

22 – Data buffer shorter than defined record length. A file conversion was missed. 

25 - Btrieve error 25 (create I/O error) The file could not be created. Possible causes are a full disk directory or a full disk. If you are creating a file over an existing file, Btrieve returns this status code if the existing file is open or flagged transactional. Also, be sure to have read, write, modify rights for the FOS and Data Folder 

84 – The record is locked. The Pervasive monitor utility must be accessed on the server and the user records deleted. 

94 – File permission error. Windows has set permissions to the file that must be changed.  Does not have the correct access to the data folder. 

161 – All Pervasive licenses are in use or the license key has expired or disabled. 

3XXX – Any error in the 3000 series means the client and server are not communicating.