This section is designed for the user to pull additional costs into the quote by aircraft or aircraft type. You may enter an effective date. If you operate multiple aircraft of the same type, you may create a costs table that is tail number-specific, if desired. Once created, please note that the new costs table will no longer use the generic aircraft type costs. After entering a table by specific aircraft, you must enter a new table for that aircraft when costs change. The effective date from an aircraft type record will never override one set by aircraft. Once costs have been entered into this table, they may be pulled up into an additional cost item in the quote if that item has the “Lookup Unit Cost in Aircraft Costs” option selected.
Below: Quotes section – “Lookup Unit Cost in Aircraft Costs”
Show All Costs for same AC Type – for informational purposes in comparing costs. By selecting this, what is used on the quote will not be affected.
Show Past Costs – you may select this in each table to mark it as a “Past Rate”. The past costs are hidden in the list unless this option is selected.
Selecting “Past Rate” in Aircraft Cost record:
Aircraft Costs Table
AC Type – This refers to the aircraft type to which this cost table applies. Although the table is generated inside of the aircraft data, it does apply to all aircraft of that type if the “Cost is for:” “All Aircraft of the same AC Type” radio button is set. If the radio button is set to “Specific Aircraft” with the aircraft ID entered, it will only apply to that specific tail number.
Effective Date – Enter effective date that costs will be used for quoting. If the effective date is the date of the quote, the date the quote is scheduled, or the date of the trip, that is determined within the quote itself.
End Date – The date these costs are no longer used for quoting.
Currency – Specifies the monetary currency for these costs.
Aircraft Costs Type - Selecting “Sell” calculates it within the costs you are quoting to the customer. Selecting “Buy (Owner)” calculates the costs in the amount needed to pay the owner or management company for chartering the aircraft.
Quote Additional Costs (code value)
Enter the cost in any of these fields for which you wish the additional cost item in quoting to charge by aircraft. The fields on the left column are FOS defined codes. The field on the right column allows the user to define the codes. Notice in the example the code description displays for the user defined values. The numbers to the right of each field corresponds with the code value. Therefore, if you are pulling landing fees into the quote additional cost, make sure the landing fee code has the value of 1.
Below – Code list and values and relation to the aircraft cost menu:
*The Landing Fee, RON, Parking Fee, as well as all user defined cost codes, will be used as defaults for airport costs if no cost exists in the airport record.
Quote Fuel Cost for Aircraft Rates
This section may have a value entered for calculating the fuel surcharge. To calculate the fuel surcharge, the aircraft rate must have the “Plus Fuel” option checked. You may select the “Do Not Use Airport Fuel Cost” option to have the value on this screen used in the fuel surcharge calculation. Or you may leave it unchecked to use the fuel cost that is set in the airport.
Below – Fuel price section in the airport data: