Checklist Item:
Template Options-
Item Type - can be set to categorize the checklist item. When selected, it sets the item's description field.
Category - provides another way to sort, group, and filter the checklist items.
Reset Code - an informational code that works as a visual cue to know that if something changes in the trip, the item needs to be unchecked as “Completed”. It also gives you a way to sort and filter items in the list.
Itinerary Required- will mark a checklist item as N/A within the trip until legs have been added. Once a leg has been added to the trip, it will be set to "Not Completed". You may then manually mark the item as completed or use the auto-complete option. The Itinerary Required feature can be useful for trips that still require your default checklist to appear, but the item may not be applicable to the trip unless it has an itinerary.
Passengers Required
- This checkbox can be set so that a checklist item is marked as "N/A" until passengers have been added to the trip or leg. You may also specify a number of passengers that the leg/trip must reach before it will unmark as "N/A".
Flight Restrictive, High Priority, Low Priority - The “Flight Restrictive” and “High Priority” check boxes may be marked to have the font on the schedule board display in a unique manner as a visual cue, allow user e-mail alerts to be sent for only items marked as such, and filter in the “Items Due” list. The “Low Priority” box may also be used.
Status - The “Status” may be set for the item here as a default, or in each specific trip to show status of the item and to allow for filtering in the “Items Due” list based on the status.
Description - The field will populate based on the Item Type code that was selected.
Number, Service, Country - allow you to enter in additional information that may pertain to the checklist item.
Vendor ID- allows you to tie that checklist item to a vendor from the Vendors module. Select the Lookup button to select the appropriate vendor record.
Valid From / Valid To - These are used for selecting the dates and times for when the particular checklist item is valid. This is helpful for checklist items that are time restrictive, such as slots for airports.
Check Departure - If the departure time is not within the Valid From/Valid To date and time, FOS will generate an e-mail alert.
Check Arrival - If the arrival time is not within the Valid From/Valid To date and time, FOS will generate an e-mail alert.
Local Time - Will use Local Time when checking the Valid From / Valid to Date and Times for a slot (default is GMT).
Due Options
- If applicable, the “Due UTC” and “Due Local” boxes may be set to show a specific date and time an item is due (if attached to a certain trip). The “Due Days” and “Due Hours” area may also be set to show a specific date and time or number of days/hours the item is due before or after the trip.This is accomplished by selecting one of the “Due Date Type” radio buttons. If the item is not accomplished by the specified time, users who have opted to receive these types of alerts in their FOS User profile will receive an e-mail alert. The e-mail alert, if sent, can be manually reset by clicking the “Reset” button.
Cost - field can be populated if there is a cost associated with the checklist item. Service / Ap - can be used to connect a checklist item with a service on the Services tab within a leg of a trip. Changing the status of the service item within a leg will change the status of the checklist item.
Name / Phone / Company / Base
- if the checklist item is linked to a service provider, the information will populate for that service provider.
Document - The “Document” field may be used to attach a particular file to the checklist item. Use the “Lookup” button to browse and select the file.
Print Doc / E-Mail Doc / Image Tab- The document can be opened or emailed by selecting the “Document” button, emailed by selecting the “E-Mail Doc” button, or printed using the "Print Doc" button. If the file is a picture, it will display on the “Image” tab.
Auto Complete Options - Boxes in this section may be set to automatically mark the item "Complete" if one or more of those items are accomplished within the trip. The available auto-complete options are:
Brief Sent
E-Mail Alert
No Fly List Checked
Trip / Leg Released
Auto Reset Options- Trips within Hours - This field will trigger alerts to be sent out if the trip has been reset within the number of hours listed in this field.
Boxes in this section may be set to automatically reset back to "Not Completed" if one the changes apply that are selected. If the checklist item is assigned to a specific leg of a trip, the "Auto Reset" will only happen if the specific action happens in that leg only. The available auto reset options are:
Audit Trail Generated
Cancelled Trip / Leg
Airport or FBO
Passenger Count
Request Time / Tentative
Trip/Leg Unreleased
Reason - This field will indicate the reason for which the item was reset. Please note – if the checklist was reset for multiple reasons, the Reason box will only display the primary action in which FOS used when the item was reset.
In addition to the Reason field within the checklist item, a Reset Reason column has been added to the checklist tab. It will display a 2-4 character code for the reset reason.
A complete list of the Reset Reason codes can be found by hovering over the reason field.
AC – Aircraft
AP – Airport/FBO
AT – Audit Trail
CR – Crew
IT – Itinerary Time
PX – Passenger
RQ – Request Time/Tentative
RREL – Reset Trip/Leg Released
Completed / In Progress / N/A - Items may be pre-selected with these options. Completed Section - When marked "Completed", the item will be time-stamped with the User ID, Date and Time.
Comments Section- Additional comments may be added to any checklist item in the Comment field.
Trip Reports- If the checklist item is within the trip, you may select the "Trip Reports" button and it will open the list of trip reports.
Print Comment- can be selected to print the comment on the "Comment" tab.