You will need to start with an Excel file with the data you want to import i.e. Aircraft, Personnel, Passengers.
1. Find the Code # for each appropriate column. There are lots of similar fields, so be sure yours is unique. a. You can use Ctrl F to locate the code names.
2. Put the appropriate number at the top of each column
3. Go to the Import Utility User Tab and clear everything out of the Right Side Window and start typing all of the codes you have added into the Excel File using one line per code.
NOTE: Use 999 for Unusable or Blank Columns
4. Save the Template to your desktop.
5. Convert your Excel file to .csv formatting and save to desktop.
a. Delete the top rows with the template numbers and column headers
b. If .Excel file has multiple pages, make additional documents instead of tabs/pages.
6. Load Template from your desktop.
7. Lookup Saved .csv File
8. Use the Personnel button in this instance to run the import. I’ve also checked the Create Initials since I did not have a column built for that.
For Custom Fuel Vendors, Select the Template-Full File option on the Fuel tab, and Add a Vendor ID