To add an airport operational message, please see the steps below.
1. Open the appropriate airport record. Select the "OpMsg" tab.
2. Select the red "+" near the appropriate heading:
Airport Operational Message - This message will only apply to the specific airport.
ICAO Code Operational Message - This message will apply to any airport with the same ICAO code (ex: K for Continental USA)
Country & State Operational Message - This message will apply to any airport with the same Country Code (ex: GB for Great Britain)
3. Fill in the appropriate fields. A From/To Date is required.
Checkbox Options:
FOS Mobile - will display message in the ARINCDirect FOS Mobile app
Scheduled Only - will display only for scheduled trips/legs (not trips with no itinerary)
Trip Warning Message - Popup message will be received when exiting out of trip
Itinerary Warning Message - Popup message will be received when scheduling to the airport (entering in as From Airport or To Airport in leg)
Display Comment - master switch for the above options to work (if de-selected, no popup will occur and FOS user will need to manually check the OpMsg tab in the airport to see the notation)
4. Select OK at the bottom left to save.
An airport operations message can also be created within a service or safety issue. To do so, the issue must have an airport selected in the ‘Airport’ field. Select the ‘Create Airport Op Msg’ button at the bottom of the screen. The Airport Operational Message screen for that airport record will pop up. Fill out the appropriate information.
Airport Operational Message screen will pop-up after selecting the ‘Create Airport Op Msg’ button within a service or safety issue. The steps above can be followed to create the message.
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