Report Name: crewdueall.rpt
Portrait or Landscape: Portrait
Report Group: Crewmember
Includes crew with no inactive date;
Can use 'Single Crew' feature in report setup;
Excludes crew training items marked N/A or Hide;
Prof Due = proficiency training item is due;
"-- No Date --" = not yet completed;
Excludes completed 'one time only' training items (interval = 0 and Initial date exists);
Report information is grouped by employee name then crew training item description;
COLOR CODE for NEXT DUE DATE [based on report end date] --
Gray w/red font = past due;
Gray w/ blue font = past due but w/in grace period;
Yellow w/ teal font = not past due and in grace period or 30 days from due date;
w/ black font = 60 days from due date;