This tab contains general information for the aircraft as well as information used for filtering in the scheduling portion of FOS and interface information.
Fields used for Informational Purposes
The following fields are for informational purposes only and may be used in reporting:
State of Registration
Manufacture Date
Account Code
On Certificate
Off Certificate
PBH / Engine
APU Prog
Owner Information - Owner information may be entered in these fields. If you will be submitting information from APIS directly from FOS, you must create a record in the Client/Passenger database and link that company’s record using the lookup function. The “Owner Name” record in the client/passenger database may be accessed from that point on when/if necessary by selecting the “Owner Name” button.
Flight Tracking Tail No – this field is used with the flight tracking interface. The interface determines which aircraft record to track from the flight plan filed based on the tail number or information entered here.
Home Airport – Enter the home airport for scheduling purposes. This affects many facets of scheduling including if the aircraft is home or away on the schedule, determines RON calculations in the quotes. It also automatically calculates leg cost in the quote, time calculation for logs, etc., and defaulting to the home airport when first building a leg.
Vendor ID – If aircraft is provided by a certain vendor, include the link to that Vendor ID here. Field may also be used to restrict access in the user profile
Maint Tech – Used to determine who receives certain e-mails for this aircraft.
Dispatcher – Used to determine who receives certain e-mails for this aircraft.
Company – Set a company code which the aircraft is owned, not the operator or the charter/management company. At any point you may give access to the aircraft for the owner in a user profile without viewing other aircraft in your system. Setting this will also affect the aircraft rate (rate may be set by all aircraft of one type that belongs to a specific company). ***Do not change the company code without full understanding the affects it will have on the aircraft rates.*** This code is also useful for filtering on the schedule board.
Base – This field is used to denote where aircraft is based. As opposed to the home airport, associating a base code is then used to filter the schedule. Base code is also used to grant access to users by aircraft based at a certain location plus allow the user to filter which e-mails they receive.
Owner – This code is generally a type of owner code. You may denote if the aircraft is company owned or managed, etc. This is used as a broad category to filter aircraft.
Color – Aircraft will display in selected color on schedule board. This selection will override the color set in the aircraft type.
Currency – Select to set default monetary currency for the aircraft in the quote, trip, time and distance calculator and flight log expenses.
Regulation – Select the regulation the company normally operates under here. This may be changed in the trip or quote. There is also an option in the Company Data under the “Quotes & Req” tab restricting use of the regulation set in this field, when generating a quote. If “Do Not Set Quote Reg from Aircraft” is selected, the regulation may be set differently for each aircraft but the default quote may always have one regulation. (Below – “Do Not Set Quote Reg from Aircraft” option under Company Data/Quotes & Reg tab):
Default A/C Rate – If option is selected on the Operations tab within the Company Data, this will set a rate in the trip when scheduling. (Below – Company Data/Operations tab/”Use AC Default Rate for Trip”):
Fields continued:
Order ID – Alpha numeric field. Allows users to order aircraft on the schedule. It is recommended when using all numbers that the series starts in the hundreds or thousands and that numbers are skipped to allow for insertion of aircraft that may come into the fleet at future dates.
Owner Rate – When an aircraft rate has been created and left at a zero dollar amount, this field will calculate a percentage of the rate used in the quote notebook and set that resulting figure as the “Buy” rate.
Use Aircraft Company for APIS – When selected, this option uses the contact information from the company set in the “Company” code box rather than the information set in the “Owner Name” fields when filing private APIS.
Active Date – Date in which the aircraft becomes active in your fleet.
Inactive Date – Use this field to remove the aircraft from the schedule. When inactive dates are set, the aircraft is automatically removed from the schedule regardless of the current date. If you want the aircraft to remain on the schedule until the inactive date is reached, set the current date in the scheduling parameters and check the “Inactive” box. (Below – Scheduling parameters inactive date option):
Maintenance Interface section:
The maintenance interface setting allow the user to import maintenance items, work orders, and status for the aircraft. The export function allows you to send the verified flight log information and the schedule to the maintenance program as well. Either the export or the import options may be used separately. The global settings must also be turned on in the Company Data / Interfaces / Maintenance tab (Maintenance Interface).
Flight Log Times – Sends verified times to the maintenance program. FOS does not send logged times to the maintenance program only those times that have been verified.
Aircraft Schedule – Sends the schedule information to the maintenance program to allow maintenance due projections to be accomplished. Note: FOS does not have the ability to import times from the maintenance program. The correct hours and cycles on the airframe and engines must be logged in FOS and then exported to the maintenance program. The various maintenance programs will not accept any times that are less than or equal to the current times in that program.
Maint Times – Creates a maintenance entry in FOS for the next due time, hours, and/or cycles.
Due Items – Imports all items due within the parameters of the Due item days, hours, and cycles fields listed.
Work Orders – Imports work orders
Details– Imports the work order details
Est Due Date – Imports items with estimated due dates based on projections
Due Items-End of Month – Only select if you would like FOS to determine if items due in a specific month are set at an interval of “Month” or “End of Month”.
Due Items-Grace Period – Imports the items where the grace period is within the due parameters
Select the correct radio button for the aircraft’s maintenance program.
ARINCDirect Section:
This section displays the ARINCDirect subscription type per aircraft. The field can be manually set by the user, however, the interface manager itself will also verify that the value us correct and will update the value if necessary.
Radio Button Options:
None - No ARINCDirect subscription
FOS - Basic plan, allows access to Flight Tracking, Flight Risk integration and ARINCDirect Weather
Datalink - Includes the items in the Basic plan and adds Datalink Messaging Flight Planning - All of the above plus full Flight Planning capabilities
Aircraft Availability Mode section:
This section allows you to send availability of your aircraft to a third party.
Radio Button Options:
None - Select to refrain from sending aircraft availability to third party.
Manually Set by User – Select to manually set aircraft availability period on schedule. Optional manually set by user – Trip Notebook - You may do this by starting a new trip and rather than building legs. Enter the airport where the aircraft will be located, the Date From and Date To, time of availability in the section of the trip labelled “Trip with No Itinerary”. Finally, select the “Available” option. (Shown below)
All Holes in Schedule – Will send availability when aircraft has been on ground for the specified number of hours in the Minimum Hole Size to be Available “AC Home Hours” and “AC Away Hours” fields.
Positioning Leg Availability - You may publish your deadhead leg availability and limit that to deadhead either “Pickup” or “Return” Deadhead Legs. As well as deadhead legs that fly to a minimum distance “Minimum DH Leg nm”.
EJM ChaTS Interface – Select if you would like to send the schedule to EJM (Executive Jet Management), so they may determine when you have availability.
(Below – Trip with No Itinerary Options from the Trip Screen):
NATA IC Check – Aircraft information will be sent to IC Check for determining a risk analysis when necessary for trips.
EU ETS Interface – Logged aircraft information will be sent to the EU ETS interface.
Exclude from Flight Manager – Information for this aircraft and its schedule will be excluded from the Flight Manager interface.
Exclude from Flt Tracking – Aircraft will not be included in your flight tracking software interface.
Exclude from Flt Planning – Aircraft will not be included in the flight planning interface.
Wyvern– Select to send aircraft information listed on the Phone/Dates tab to Wyvern.
(Below - Charter aircraft display option in the Scheduling Parameters):
Various Checkbox Options:
FOS Mobile Flight Logging – In the current Mobile app, data can still be entered into the app regardless of the box selection. However, for core FOS to receive and process the data appropriately the FOS Mobile Flight Logging box must be selected. Selection will allow for data such as pre and post flight, expenses, CASS items and Service and Safety issues to be accurately received.
Aerial Application – Select if aircraft is used for firefighting, crop dusting, etc.
Air Ambulance – Select if aircraft is used as an air ambulance
Broker Aircraft – Select if aircraft belongs to a company or vendor from whom you broker aircraft. By selecting this option, flight logging will occur without having to add a crew member. This option also allows you to hide particular aircraft in scheduling when it is part of the secondary filter and has no trips scheduled. Select the option in the schedule under “Display” and “Hide Broker Secondary Aircraft without Activity”.
Shuttle Aircraft – Select is aircraft is used in shuttle operations.
Cargo Aircraft – Select if aircraft is used to carry cargo
Charter Aircraft – Select if aircraft is used as a charter aircraft. The scheduling parameters and user profile may not be set to display all aircraft with this option selected.
CAN/CAD– Select if aircraft can be used for the Corporate Angel Network.
Overflight Permit – Select if aircraft is on the overflight permit.
Owner Approval Req – If selected, a message flag is displayed when starting a new quote informing the user that the aircraft requires owner approval.
Trip Request Aircraft – Select if aircraft is a placeholder aircraft used to build trips that are waiting to be scheduled to the proper tail number (normally not an actual real life aircraft). These aircraft may be filtered on and off the schedule board as necessary. When building a trip on a “Trip Request Aircraft”, the label on the trip number field changes to “Request Number”.
Do Not Send Maintenance E-Mail Alerts – If selected, this will prevent the system from generating maintenance e-mail alerts for this aircraft.