Btrieve Error Disk Full (error=18) - while running converts
If you receive this error, it is likely caused by the drive being out of space. When this happens, the convert will not run properly and it may impact the active BTR file that was attempting to be updated. Do not run any further converts if you receive this error so that you don't impact other BTR files.
To fix this follow these steps:
1) Have the hosting team increase the size of the drive where the FOS Data is being stored. 2) It is recommended that you restart all PSQL services.
3) You will then want to compare the BTR file that was being converted to the .OLD files available. You may likely see a .OLD file that contains all the data and was renamed during the failed convert. If you tried recreating the BTR, you may even see an active .BTR file with little or no data. To restore the old file, simply rename the files as needed so that the active BTR file is the old one containing the proper data.
4) Once the proper BTR file is active, re-run the convert for that BTR.
5) If successful, continue the remaining converts as planned.