Overview A restricted login grants certain users read only access to FOS. This is often used for crewmember, passenger, or schedule board users that should not be able to edit data in FOS. This also ensures the user does not use a FOS license, ...
Error: This error may be seen when opening Operations Requested key not found (error=4) sch_data_read_ac_single: aircraft_get (Thread 1) Solution: When this error occurs when opening the Operations Page/Schedule Board the user will need to log out of ...
Error: File privilege permission error, you do not have rights to complete the operation (error 94) when running the convert utility after an update. Solution: Verify all users have read, write, and modify permissions for the file or files that ...
Error: Btrieve Error: I/O error during disk read/write (error=2) audtrail: btrieve_status(Thread10428) (Thread 0) Solution: Error message is received upon login to FOS for all users. Clear all Pervasive Sessions and/or reboot the FOS server.
Error: Couldn't change dir during expansion (error=35) FOS can not open the Btrieve data files. Use the Utilities | File Locations pull down menu to set the Data and Temporary Directories. password_init: compinfo_open (Thread 0) Solution: Ensure that ...