Entering Data

Entering Data

Main screen:

Name field: Enter a name that will be relevant while generating the report:
Date Range Start/End field: Set the date range of the data that will be generated on the report.
Date Range Start: Enter the number of days before today’s date that will be expressed in a whole number. If needing to start the date in the future, use a negative number. (Example: Today is Monday and you want the data generated to start on Wednesday, enter -2 into the “Date Range Start” field. Today is Monday and you want the date to start on the previous Saturday, enter 2.
Date Range End: Enter the number of days after today in the future you want retrieved and displayed on the report.

Previous Month field: To display data from the previous month, select this checkbox. Enter a number in the field to the right of “Previous Month” to indicate how many months of back data you would like displayed on the reports.

Current Month field: To display data from this month including future months, select checkbox and indicate number in the field to the right of “Current Month."

Select aircraft and crewmembers to be displayed on the report. 

Select the “- - ALL- -“ line if you would like data on the report for all aircraft and crew.

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