Error: Access violation at address 008C6907 in module 'Fos.exe' when running FM Trip Quotes

Error: Access violation at address 008C6907 in module 'Fos.exe' when running FM Trip Quotes

Error: Access violation at address 008C6907 in module 'Fos.exe'. Read of address 000000014. Support 

1. Confirm with customer that the error is received by all users when running FM Trip Quotes. 2. Confirm error is received in another version of FOS (test in FOS Tech Support, FOS SAT, etc). 
3. Collect the debug messages. If it references the below, it is likely a Flight Manager issue - one of the web servers for Flight Manager is not functioning. Alert FOS Engineering and Flight Manager Engineers. They will need to work with IT to check the web server. 
04/12/17 16:39 Exception: fm_fos_trip_quote 
04/12/17 16:39 End tag 'HEAD' does not match the start tag 'meta'. 
Line: 1 
<html><HEAD><TITLE>Error</TITLE><meta ht