Error: Access violation at address 32084714 in module 'CC32160MT.DLL'. Read of address 00310043

Error: Access violation at address 32084714 in module 'CC32160MT.DLL'. Read of address 00310043

Error: Access violation at address 32084714 in module 'CC32160MT.DLL'. Read of address 00310043 This might occur when submitting e-APIS.  

If users receive this error when trying to submit the passenger portion of e-APIS for 135 you will need to verify that the following fields have been entered by the lookup feature. 
(Report Tab in Passenger Data) 
(Passport Record) 

We have also seen the error below which is similar and has been tied to the Nationality field in the passport not being selected from the lookup button.  

Ensure the Nationality has been selected from the lookup button and then try to resubmit APIS