Error: An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file: DeleteFile failed code 32. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Solution: Executable files are likely stuck open somewhere, either on the ...
Please note: The following are general instructions used to install the FOS Mobile Host. Please tailor your specific installation accordingly. FOS Mobile Host 1. Stop the existing FOS mobile host service. 2. Right click on the old back up config ...
Error: Unexpected end of stream on connection{, proxy=DIRECT hostAddress=XXXX cipherSuite=none protocol=http/1.1} (recycle count =0)(loadConfig) Solution: Please confirm the following: All users receive this error. The internal / ...
A Leg in FOS can have several letters in front of the leg number in the top of the trip or leg window. The following is a description of each of these letters meanings: * = (asterisk) Multiple errors. ARO and/or closed and/or endurance and/or runway ...
Error: The IATA code Could not be found for: XXX FOS will attempt to substitute the AP ID for the IATA code. Otherwise XXX will be listed for the IATA code per Customs requirements. This will be seen when attempting to file APIS from FOS. Solution: ...