Error: The following required fields are missing
Error: The following required fields are missing:
Name Key
Name Sounds Like Key
Contact Comment Key
FBO Comment Key
Hotel Comment Key
Cater Comment Key
Limo Comment Key
Special Comment Key
Full Name
To resolve this, run the following script in the Pervasive Control Center on the FOS server.
set ansi_padding=off;
select * from "PASSENGERS" where "KID - date"=0 and "KID - time" = 0 and "KID - user" = 'REQ';
delete from "PASSENGERS" where "KID - date"=0 and "KID - time" = 0 and "KID - user" = 'REQ';
- Execute line 1 first, just put your cursor in the middle of it and press F9
- Make a copy of regpax.btr first just in case
- Then execute line 2, put cursor in middle, F9. That just displays a list of them, there should be 2 at most, base default and base required
- Then execute line 3, put curser in middle, F9, that will delete the ones that displayed from the second line