Error: There is no default printer currently selected.

Error: There is no default printer currently selected.

There is no default printer currently selected.

This error may be received when trying to save a trip in FOS, printing a report or accessing the FOS Scheduling board.


1. Open the Report Setup module, located on the FOS Main menu.
2. Select "Reset Crystal & Printers" button at the top.
3. Close out of FOS and log out of Citrix completely.
(Steps 1-3 are minimum steps to take. You can choose to log back into FOS from here and see if the error is resolved. If not, you will need to log back out and complete steps 4-5).
4. Change the default printer on the computer to the software printer such as Microsoft XPS Document writer, if there is no printer available. If there is a printer available, change it to the Microsoft XPS writer, Adobe PDF option, etc. and then back to your normal printer.
5. Log back into Citrix and FOS and check if you still get the message.