Expenses Tab
New Expense (Overview)
- Exp Type - Select an Expense Type. Alternatively, you can view the Expense Type Code descriptions and create new Expense Type Codes by pressing the Exp Type button.
- Category - Select an Expense Category. You can view the Category Code descriptions by pressing the Category button.
- Quantity - Press the Quantity button to bring up the Conversion Calculator.
- Units - Select the units to measure the quantity of the expense. You can view the Units Code descriptions by pressing the Units button.
Cost (cont'd)
- Unit Cost - Designate the cost of each unit
- Tax - Taxes included in the expense
- FET - Federal Excise Tax
- Total Cost - Cost and taxes
- Markup - Designated Markup
- Bill Amount - Amount of a bill
- Estimated Cost - Estimated Cost. When actual costs are not known
- Retail - Retail/Quoted Rate, typically used for Fuel Reports to view savings
- Retail Date - Date pricing info received
Cost (cont'd)
- Currency - Select National Currency
- FET Rate - Set the Federal Excise Tax rate
- Payment - Select the Payment method. You can view the Payment Code descriptions by pressing the Payment button.
- Crew / AC - Select or type in the Crewmember or AC ID the expense is charged by
- Vendor - Select the appropriate vendor for the sale. Press the "?" box to select from the Vendor list.
Airport / Fuel / Aircraft Units
- Dept/Arrv - Designate if this expense is at the airport of departure or arrival.
- Fuel Temp - Press the Temperature button to bring up the Conversion Calculator.
- Fuel Weight - Press the Weight button to bring up the Conversion Calculator. Designate units are in pounds or kilograms below the Weight field.
- Aircraft Units - Un-editable fields, populated by data entered into the expense
Invoice/Statement / Receipt/Transaction ID
- Number - Invoice number
- Invoice Date - Date of invoice
- Received - Date invoice was received.
- Paid/Authorized - Date paid/authorized
- Invoiced Total - Invoice total
- Receipt - Receipt number or ID
- Receipt Date - Date of receipt
- Receipt Total - Receipt total
- Problem - Indicates a problem with the expense
- Reimbursable - Expense is reimbursable
- Approved - Expense is approved
- Billable (Include in Quote Invoice) - Expense is a billable item and will be included in the quote and invoice.
- Taxable - Expense is taxable
- Invoiced / Billed - Expense has been invoiced or billed
- Owner Reimbursable - Expense is reimbursable by owner
- Owner Billable - Can bill the owner.
- Update Ap Cost - Select an airport cost to update the Cost tab in the Airport record. You can view the Airport Cost Code descriptions by pressing the Update Ap Cost button.
Details / Additional Information
- Report Period - Month and Year to include this expense in.
- Created By - Auto-populated once expense is saved. Lists user ID of creator.
- Cost Center - Select a cost center by pressing the "?" box. To see the Code descriptions.
- Account Num - An account number can be entered here, if one is available.
- Service - This list is populated by the services selected for the leg.
- Image- Choose an image to attach to the expense by pressing the "?" box.