The FBO tab will list the FBOs available at the airport. These are included in the airport update. The "approved only" and "show closed" filter checkboxes at the top of the tab will filter the list beneath.

The blue font is the data that is updated by the airport update. You can change this information, however, it will be modified when a new airport update is applied. 

Preferred - If this box is checked, and the option to use the Preferred is set in the company data, the FBO will populate automatically as the FBO in the services tab of a leg. 

Additional FBOs can also be added to this airport record by clicking on the + sign and completing as many fields as possible. Enter as much information as possible to complete the record of services available at this FBO.

Crew Comments - will print into the services tab of each leg when this airport is used.

(Below – “Screen shot of Crew Comments in the Trip Leg Services Tab):

Exclude from Update - any data that is in blue font will be overwritten when the next airport update is performed. To prevent this, check the "Exclude From Update" box.

Problem - when checked, this will give users a popup warning when the record is selected in a leg.

Approved - when selected, this will list and the "Approved Only" checkbox is applied in the leg, it will only list the “approved” FBOs.

Telex/E-Mail & Web Page - if fields are completed, users may select the boxes to either email the FBO or launch a web browser and display the website. 

Replace FBO - An option to take all FBOs used previously and have the records in legs replaced by the new record.

Once this function has been completed, a list of how many changes were made will display.

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