

Filters can be used when running automated reports, or running a report manually. Filters are useful for a light customization of a report, as there are many selections that can be applied in a filter. In addition to a filter, options for an automated report allow you to select a specific date range, aircraft and/or crew.

The filters can be located on the right side of the report window and the filter options are defined below. Each filter will also display the User ID that created the filter, along with the Date and Time Stamp of when the filter was created. *Please note - certain permissions in the FOS User Profile restrict users from editing report filters created by others users, or seeing report filters created by other users. These permissions are located on the User tab of a FOS User profile.

Filter Options:
  1. New - will allow users to create a new filter
  2. Copy - will allow the user to copy the selected filter and make any necessary changes.
  3. Delete - will allow to user to delete the selected filter
  4. Edit -will allow the user to edit the selected filter

When creating an automated report some of the report options that are listed in the Report Screen must be set by a filter. These options are listed below.
  1. Time Zone
  2. Exclude Closed Trips
  3. Create Daily Status Legs
For example, if the user would like to run a Calendar Report with the create daily status legs box checked, they will need to create a filter with this option set if a filter does not already exist.

1. Select the "New" button next to the Filter Label.
2. Name the Filter in the "Name" field.
3. Select the options that you would like applied when the user selects this filter. In this example,
the Create Daily Status Legs check box.
4. Click OK to save the filter

The user will now be able to select this filter when setting up the automated report or when running a report manually.

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