Flight Data Tab

Flight Data Tab

The Flight Data tab allows you to import off and on reports from ARINCDirect as well as information submitted from FOS Mobile. In order to begin receiving this type of information the Flight Data Interface check box must be marked in Company data on the interfaces tab. 

Update Flights- Selecting update flights will update on the Flight Data portion of the interface manager 

Open - This option will open the table associated with the selected radio button so users may review data that has been imported. This will most often be used by Tech Support when investigating why various records in FOS were not updated with the information retrieved by the Flight Data interface. 
Close - This option will close the table associated with the selected radio button. 
Flt Data - This radio button allows users to review off and on reports that have been imported by the interface manager. The individual records display the off or on times imported for a specific leg segment and tail number. 
Note: This integration feature is only available to those customers with ARINCDirect Datalink services. 

(Sample Off and On Records Table when selecting "Open")

Flt Leg - This radio button allows users to review post flight data specific to various leg segments submitted from FOS Mobile. 

(Sample Post Flight Records Table when selecting "Open")

Flt Crew- This radio button allows users to review crew duty activities submitted from FOS Mobile. Crewmembers must be granted permission to submit activities from mobile within their user profile.
(Sample Crew Duty Records Table when selecting "Open") 

Flt Exp - This radio button allows users to review expense data submitted from FOS Mobile. (Sample Expense Records Table when selecting "Open")

Flt Pax - This radio button allows users to review passenger data submitted from FOS Mobile. (Sample Passenger Records Table when selecting "Open")

Flt Cass (Trend, Service, Safety) - This radio button allows users to review CASS, Trend Monitoring, Service Issue, and Safety Issue data submitted from FOS Mobile. 
(Sample Cass, Trend, Service, and Safety Records Table when selecting "Open")

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