Portrait or Landscape: Landscape
Report Group: Flight Log
Includes non-cancelled activities;
Dates / times are GMT;
All date calculations for previous date ranges are based on ACTIVITY END DATE GMT;
Landings (day + night) and flight time (pilot flying + pilot not flying + acm) are crew leg based;
Duty time = activity with duty time check box marked [bold];
Rest calculated for activity with duty time check box marked;
Year to Date = calendar year;
* The first Rest Before for each crew will have no value since there is no previous record to compare it with;
** Previous activity end date / time > current activity begin date / time;
OFF = any activity with Day Off / Rest box marked;
Report can run slow- it is evaluating all the year to date records for every record for every crewmember;
There is another version of this report – fltdutyeuronv.rpt which runs faster but does not have all the functionality of this report;
Geared toward to the EASA group;