FOS Airport Update Instructions (3.12 and greater)

FOS Airport Update Instructions (3.12 and greater)

As of release 3.12.1, the FOS airport data source is changing from Universal to ARINCDirect. Below are the steps for the new airport update process. Step 1-2 only needs to be completed one-time, subsequent updates only require step 3. The airport update process now includes airports, DST, and APIS all in one.

Step 1: Running the 3.12.1 installer to create the new directory
  1. After running the 3.12.1 Installer, within the FOS executable directory a new folder called “ARP_SYNC” will be created. (Default Directory is C:\FOS) 
    1. Within the ARP_SYNC Folder will be two files listed below 
      1. ClearIncorrectICAOs.csv 
      2. UpdateToCorrectICAOs.csv 
  2. If both the new folder and 2 .CSV files are present proceed to the next step. 
  3. If the folder or files are not present reach out to FOS Tech Support 

Step 2: Running the convert (initial)
  1. Run the “Convert.exe” file found in the executable directory of FOS 
  2. On the 3.12 tab, run the convert labeled “apinfo.btr” 
    1. Running this convert will prepare the airport database to be aligned with the new ARINCDirect data format 

  1. Once the convert is completed, the button will be grayed out and it will display the word “DONE” at the top of the window 
    1. Within the “ARP_SYNC” folder, an ARP_SYNC Convert log will be generated 

Step 3: Downloading the Airport File
  1. Connect to the Collins SFTP Site and retrieve the latest ARINCDirect Update 
    1. The File will be located within /FOS Customers/FOS Downloads/Airports/FOS Version 3.12 and Higher. (See Example Below) 
    2. Reach out to the FOS Team for the SFTP Login Information 

  1. Download the .SQLITE File and move it into the “ARP_SYNC” Folder 

  1. Run the “Convert.exe” file found in the executable directory of FOS. 
    1. On the Updates tab, select “Sync Airport/DST with ARINC” 
    2. When the update is complete, the word “DONE” will appear at the top of the window 

  1. Validating the airport update
    1. In the “ARP_SYNC” Folder 
      1. A sub folder called “ARP_SYNC_Archive_DB will be created, old SQLITE files will be moved here. 
    2. ARP_SYNC_Update.log file will be created 

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