FOS Users Module Overview

FOS Users Module Overview

The user data in FOS should be set up for each individual accessing the program. Modifications to certain records such as trips, quotes, etc. are tracked by the user. If individuals aren’t defined there is no way to track certain activity by users. Each user will be set up and assigned to a specific “User’s Company" which will be defined in the “Company” menu of the FOS program. The User’s Company will determine under what set of defaults the user will operate. 

This list will show the individual users set up within the FOS program. One thing to keep in mind when viewing this list is the “List View Level”. This is a number set in each user’s profile. If a user has access to this list, they will only be able to see other users who have the same list view level or lower. 
The “Change Password” function at the top of the list will only work for the user who is currently signed into the program. To set the password for another user you must open their record and change it within that screen.  Any user that has an expiration date will not be displayed unless the “Expired” box is checked. 
If you are a system manager, you may set defaults for all users of the system by clicking on the “Set Defaults for All Users” button. Clicking “Set My Defaults to Selected User” will change your default settings to be the same as the user you have highlighted in the list. 

The FOS Users list will display the individual users set up within the FOS program.  The “List View Level” is a number set in each user’s profile. If a user has access to this list, they will only be able to see other users who have the same list view level or lower. The “Change Password” function at the top of the list will only work for the user who is currently signed into the program. To set the password for another user you must open their record and change it within that screen. Any user that has an expiration date will not be displayed unless the “Expired” box is checked. If you are a system manager, you may set defaults for all users of the system by clicking on the “Set Defaults for All Users” button.  
Clicking “Set My Defaults to Selected User” will change your default settings to be the same as the user you have highlighted in the list. In the right hand section of the screen is the license information for your FOS program. The number of licenses displayed is the number of concurrent users that may be in the system. A system manager may “Logoff” any user in the list.

If the radio button has “License” selected, the number of concurrent license slots will be displayed along with which users are currently logged into the system. If you select “Audit”, the display will show each time the user selected on the left has logged into and out of the system.

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