Helicopter Type and Maintenance Settings In FOS

Helicopter Type and Maintenance Settings In FOS

In the Aircraft Type Data, we're covering the highlighted fields.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has established limits on allowable levels of aircraft noise emissions, under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 36, “Noise Standards: Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification.” Airplanes must meet the standards to receive new or revised "type" or “airworthiness” certificates, to operate in the U.S. 

  1. “Stage 1” aircraft have never been shown to meet any noise standards, either because the have never been tested, or because they have been tested and failed. 
  2. “Stage 2” aircraft meet original noise limits, set in 1969 
  3. “Stage 3” aircraft meet more stringent limits, established in 1977
  4. “Stage 4” noise limits are a cumulative 10 EPNdB less than those for Stage 3 

Rescue and Fire Fighting RFF/Fire Category 
Set the RFF Fire Category based on the chart below. 

Approach Category 
The Approach Category can be set based on the chart below. 

Off Airport Landings 
Designates that this aircraft may make landings at other locations not listed in the airport database. This option activates the “Site” field in the trip leg notebook, as does the “ROTO” category. Site field character count enough for a lat/ long, and you can list the TZ in relation. 

Next in the Aircraft Record Specs Tab you can set your helicopter engine maintenance tracking information, as well as set any custom time or cycle tracking. 
Specs Tab: 
GP (C1) Gas producer, 
PT (C2) Power Turbine, 
IP Impeller, 
CP Compressor, 
Custom Time and Cycle 

Based on what is method is selected to track these items it can be displayed in the AC Log Tab of the Flight Log screen and the Times Tab of the Aircraft record. 

Helicopter Report options: 

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