How to position a crew back to their Home Airport
If a crew is displaying away on the schedule board a position activity can be added to show that they have positioned back to their home airport or positioned from their home airport to another destination. There are two codes that are defaulted into FOS that will accomplish this.
POS - This code will position the crew however no duty time will be associated with this activity.
POSD - This code will position the crew and will be counted as duty time.
To add the position activity right click on the schedule board and select New Activity or select the New Activity button from the bottom of the Operations or Timeline.
This will create a new activity where the fields listed below can be populated.
- Activity Type
- Begin Time
- End Time
- Begin Airport
- End Airport
Once these fields are populated the crewmember will no longer display away on the schedule board when they are not actually away. The user will now see the position activity on the schedule as well.
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