HTML Coding for iPhones with FOS 3.11.3 & Higher

HTML Coding for iPhones with FOS 3.11.3 & Higher

For FOS Versions 3.11.3, the HMTL coding that provides phone hyperlinks and coloring in the FOS Mobile iPhone application was removed. This may also help if users on the iPhone are unable to scroll properly through the Activity or Leg Details on the app. A command can be run in the Pervasive Control Center to allow the HTML coding again. Note: Users do not need to be logged out of FOS.
1. Open the Pervasive Control Center on the FOS Server.
2. Select "Execute SQL Commands" and then select the FOS Database. Click "OK."

3. Type in the command:
set ansi_padding=off;
update "MOBILE_DEVICES" set "Mobile Device Type"=1;

4. Select "SQL" --> "Execute All SQL statements"

5. On the user's device, select "Update Configuration" and refresh the Schedule.



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