Information Tab

Information Tab

The “Information” tab has fields to record the vendor’s addresses and general information plus checkboxes that allow the user to see at a glance the type of information has been received about
that vendor.

These boxes affect other parts of the program and are used as follows:
  1. Approved – Shows that a vendor is approved for use
  2. Problem – Shows there has been a problem with this vendor in the past. A warning message will
  3. appear when adding a record to a trip that uses this vendor.
  4. Flight Log Expense – Allows this vendor ID to be transmitted to FOS Mobile for use when creating expenses on the mobile device. The list may be filtered on this field.
  5. Aircraft – Shows that this is an aircraft vendor. The list may be filtered on this field.
  6. Inactive – Marked when a vendor is no longer used. The list may be filtered on this field.

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