Installing FOS on a new workstation

Installing FOS on a new workstation

First you will want to install the appropriate version of pervasive. Remember when installing pervasive on a client machine to use the 32-bit client version of Pervasive. The client machine needs to have the client version of pervasive that is installed on the FOS Server . 

To Install Pervasive:

1. Go here and download Pervasive Version 13 **If you are using an older version of pervasive you will need to install that same version on the new client machine. You may also choose to update at this time which would require updating the server version and all other workstations to match.


2. If you are installing Pervasive on the Server you will want to download the Server Version. If you are installing Pervasive on a work station then you will need to download and install the client version. All workstations will need the 32 bit client version installed.  

3. Once you select the appropriate installer it will ask you to login or create an account. This is how pervasive monitors the downloads. If you already have an account, login. If not, create an account. 

4. After logging in or creating an account the file will download and you will be able to launch the installer. 

Installing FOS:

Copy a shortcut of the FOS.exe from the server onto the desktop of the new workstation. Launch the FOS icon. 

On the FOS Login window: 
Select Utilities --> File Locations --> Network Data Directory 
Ensure the path points to the FOS Data folder on the server 
Select Utilities --> File Locations --> Temporary Directory 
Ensure the path points to the FOS Data Temporary (tmp) folder on the server 

Installing the Crystal Runtime Files:

The Crystal Runtime Files are located as part of the FOS Installer. To install the Runtime Files run the FOS Installer and select to only install the Crystal Runtime Files as show below. 

If users are accessing FOS from a shortcut on their desktop the Crystal Runtime Files will need to be installed on the user’s local machine. 
If users are accessing FOS by remote desk top to the server the Crystal Runtime Files only need to be installed on the server. 

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