The FOS Installer does not include Pervasive now known as Actian Zen. You are able to install Actian Zen from The Actian Zen/Pervasive Installer will come with a 30 Day Trial License. If you have your permanent License Key you will want to apply it after Actian Zen/Pervasive is installed. If you have a permanent key, please ensure you install the same version of Pervasive that matches the key version. Follow the below steps to install Actian Zen/Pervasive:
1. Go to and filter the list for Actian Zen (PSQL), V14 Production Release, and select the platform you wish to install Actian Zen/Pervasive.
2. For server installs download the Server Version (Zen Enterprise Server v14 for Windows) and for workstation installs download and install the client version (Zen Client v14 for Windows). All workstations will need the 32 bit client version installed.
3. Select Download for the version you need and you will be prompted to sign in. If you do not have an account select Not a Member to create one.
4. After logging in or creating an account the file will download and you will be able to launch the installer.
Applying your Permanent License Key:
1. On the server, open the Start Menu -->Actian Zen PSQL 14 -->License Administrator
2. Enter your Pervasive Key and click Apply.
Install FOS (Server):
1. The FOS installer is available for download from our SFTP Site. FOS Support can provide information on accessing the SFTP site to obtain the installer.
2. Download and run the FOS Installer.
3. For new FOS installations, select the Initial Database option to install a new, clean, and complete database.
4. Apply the FOS Userlog by placing the userlog.btr file in the Data Folder. FOS Support can provide guidance on applying the userlog if needed.
Install FOS (Client):
If your Users are going to be accessing FOS through a shortcut on their desktop you will need to Install the 32 Bit Client Version of Pervasive on Each Workstation. The steps are the same as above, however, you will choose the 32-bit client version of Pervasive to install on the workstation.
1. Copy a shortcut of the FOS.exe from the server onto the desktop of the new workstation.
2. Launch FOS and complete the following steps in the Utilities drop-down:
Select Utilities-->File Locations-->Network Data Directory
Ensure the path points to the FOS Data folder on the server
Select Utilities-->File Locations-->Temporary Directory
Ensure the path points to the FOS Data Temporary (tmp) folder on the server:
3. Run the FOS Installer and install the Crystal 2013 Runtime Files. Uncheck everything except for Crystal 2013 Runtime Files.